“Love Poem Attempt 3/?” | Academy of American Poets
“South Side” | Frontier Poetry | (1st Place Winner, Award for New Poets)
“And So You Want A Poem” | Frontier Poetry | (Finalist, OPEN Poetry Prize)
“On Hesitation” | Perhappened Mag | Best Microfiction Winner 2021
“The Black Girl Comes to Dinner” | Poetry Super Highway | (1st Place Winner)
“Sculpture Study #1” | Split Lip Magazine
“My Twitter Feed Becomes Too Much” | Frontier Poetry
“Drunken Monologue from an Alcoholic Father’s Daughter” | Soft Punk Magazine
“Pantoum for Black Boys” | The Journal
Selected Poems
“Discomfort at the MoMA” | Poet Lore | Print.
“Starved” & “Sculpture Study #7, of How Can I Write About Flowers at a Time Like This” | Crab Creek Review
“Eavesdropping” | New Ohio Review
“Re-narrativization” & “From the Photo Album” | Transistion Magazine
“Love Poem Attempt 3/?” | Academy of American Poets
“Birdwatching at Railroad Park” & “If I Stay, or A Black Girl’s Future in Rural Alabama” | Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal
“Sonnet for Longing Being Mistaken for Sadness,” “Wreckage,” & "When I Marry A Poet, We Will Argue Over Descriptions" | The Journal
“Sculpture Study #1” | Split Lip Magazine
“When I Say No, The Joker Smiles” | Poet Lore | PRINT.
“After the Car Accident” & “Sculpture Study #2” | Superstition Review
“Nikon Coolpix, S210” | Winning Writers | (Honorable Mention, Margaret Reid Poetry Contest)
“Love Letter to the Spring Moon” | River Mouth Review
“Tell It Like A Movie | Rewind” & “Shutter” | Beloit Poetry Journal | (1st Place Winner & Finalist, Adrienne Rich Poetry Prize) | PRINT.
“That Loud-Assed Colored Silence,” “Signs” & “A Ghazal on Leaving America” | Soft Punk Magazine | PRINT.
“Summer Camp Fieldtrip to the Waterpark” | Pleiades | PRINT.
“Affair” & “A Diagram with Hands” | Gulf Coast | PRINT.
“Painted Tongue,” “In Which I Dream of My Father #1,” & “Police-Style Arm Lock” | The Rumpus
““Asymmetrical Images…[Tend] to Conjure Thoughts of Mischief” | Pigeon Pages | (Finalist, Poetry Prize)
“Baby Mania” | America Magazine | (Runner-Up, Foley Poetry Prize)
“Scripture” | TriQuarterly; Black Voices Issue
“Walk Right” & “In A Picture On My Boyfriend’s Phone” | Big Lucks
“Your Husband Says Let’s Try Something New” & “Conversion - On Cincinnati’s Converted Churches” | Southeast Review | Nominated for Best of the Net
“And So You Want A Poem” | Frontier Poetry | (Finalist, OPEN Poetry Prize)
“Resting Bitch Face” & “A Man Makes a Stop Light His Own Red Light District” | Hooligan Magazine
“South Side” | Frontier Poetry | (1st Place Winner, Award for New Poets)
“Double-Dutch Disses,” “I Don’t Care If Mary Jane Gets Saved Or Not,” & “The Titanic Museum in Orlando, FL” | The Chattahoochee Review | PRINT.
“Double-Dutch Disses,” “Visiting the Titanic Museum in Orlando, FL,” & “I Don’t Care if Mary Jane Gets Saved Or Not” | Chattahoochee Review | PRINT.
“In the Winter, God Shows Off” | Perhappened Mag
“Elegy for Spring” | Eunoia Review
“If I Could Love Life Into Him” | Borderlands Texas Poetry Review | PRINT.
“Nightshift for the ER Doctor” & “October Spell in Indiana” | FEED Lit Mag
“How to Pray” | Knights Library Magazine
“Club Anthem” & “Gap” | Pidgeonholes | Nominated for Best of the Net
“Let Us Do Nothing” & “Your Voice Brings Down the Day” | Drunk Monkeys | Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
“On Hesitation” | Perhappened Mag | Best Microfiction Winner 2021
“Gas Station,” “Drunken Monologue from an Alcoholic Father’s Daughter,” “My Father’s Love Letter,” & “Low Visibility” | Soft Punk Magazine
“Hypothetically Speaking” | Palette Poetry
“The Black Girl Comes to Dinner” | Poetry Super Highway | (1st Place Winner)
“The Gathering Place” | Iron Horse Literary Review | PRINT.
“Sleeping Weather,” & “You’re It” | The Shore
“A Cut Foot Teaches Kindness,” “Growing Pains,” & “Don’t Go Getting Nostalgic” | Sundog Lit
“Tenderheaded” & “Voicemail #1: To Madam C. J. Walker” | Vulcan Historical Review
“Lump” | Alien Literary Magazine | Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
“Connection Interrupted - In Quarantine” | Variant Lit | PRINT.
“Yellow Dress” | Hobart
“Pulled Over” | Sporklet
“The Mercy Hour” & “When Lonely I Want What I Shouldn’t; Anti-Ode For An Ex” | VIDA Review
“When the Air Conditioning Breaks” | SWWIM | Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
“What’s Left” | Collaborative poem with Madison Zehmer | Maudlin House
“It’s None of My Business, But” | Literati Magazine
“My Twitter Feed Becomes Too Much” | Frontier Poetry
“Rooftop Monologue” | Flypaper Literary Magazine
“Carnival” | Perhappened Mag | Nominated for Best of the Net
“Wash Day in the Kitchen Sink" | River Mouth Review | Nominated for Best of the Net
“Born to Die” | Mineral Lit Mag (Lana Del Rey Issue) | Nominated for Best of the Net
“When in the Wendy’s Drive-Thru, They Ask Me What Sauce and I Say” | Trampset | Nominated for Best of the Net
“This Kill Bill Scene Has Me Thinking About Weave and Girl Fights” | SWWIM | Nominated for Best of the Net
“Aubade:Ricky’s on 95th,” Linea Nigra,“ & “Rush Hour Traffic” | Mineral Lit Mag
“Disciplinarian,” “Pallbearers,” & “Consignment Shop” | Empty Mirror
“Geophagia” | Glass: A Journal of Poetry (Poets Resist) | Nominated for Best of the Net
“Flash Flood” & “Blackberrying” | Lammergeier Mag
“Colour” | Unlost Journal
“On Finding a Scorpion in Our Bedroom” | Animal Literary Magazine
“A Grocery Store in Alabama” | storySouth | Issue 48 Fall 2019
“Pantoum for Black Boys” & “Corner Store” | The Journal | Issue 43.3 Summer 2019
“Sunday Service” & “How Young Boys Survive the Ghetto” | New Ohio Review | Issue 26 | PRINT.
“Tattle” | High Shelf Press | Issue 5